por azedinho Ter Abr 30, 2013 12:02 am
39m45s J0G4D0R [Allies] !drop
39m45s J0G4D0R [All] Destrutor lagged out (dropped by admin).
39m55s J0G4D0R [Allies] !muteall
39m55s J0G4D0R [All] Global chat muted (allied and private chat is unaffected).
49m09s J0G4D0R [Allies] !synclimit 0
49m09s J0G4D0R [All] Setting sync limit to the minimum of 10 packets.
49m12s J0G4D0R [Allies] salva
49m14s J0G4D0R [Allies] o game
49m19s System Lebara. killed EuCagoNaSuaFace
49m20s J0G4D0R [Allies] !drop
49m20s J0G4D0R [All] Ak.C lagged out (dropped by admin).
50m50s J0G4D0R [Allies] !drop
50m50s J0G4D0R [All] EuCagoNaSuaFace lagged out (dropped by admin).
51m25s J0G4D0R [Allies] !DROP
51m25s J0G4D0R [All] Lebara. lagged out (dropped by admin).
52m10s J0G4D0R [All] Player [ImaTop_] is saving the game.
Winner: Scourge
tanto esforço inutil , acabou perdendo do mesmo jeito ^^
inutil não , isso não vai passar batido ambos vão tomar level 0
• ImaTop_ ( mauricio ) por ser cumplice.
• J0G4D0R por ser o comandante