13m44s [AFC]FilhoDamae [All] Ninja-do-Dota has left the game voluntarily.
14m39s HzN_ [All] q voce
14m43s HzN_ [All] clan berro
14m46s HzN_ [All] outro lixo ~~~~~~ insultando um adm~~~~
15m47s HzN_ [All] kk
15m48s HzN_ [All] banido
15m49s HzN_ [All] KK
15m50s HzN_ [All] pq lixao
15m29s [AFC]FilhoDamae [All] kryptonyta has left the game voluntarily.
14m39s HzN_ [All] q voce
14m43s HzN_ [All] clan berro
14m46s HzN_ [All] outro lixo ~~~~~~ insultando um adm~~~~
15m47s HzN_ [All] kk
15m48s HzN_ [All] banido
15m49s HzN_ [All] KK
15m50s HzN_ [All] pq lixao
15m29s [AFC]FilhoDamae [All] kryptonyta has left the game voluntarily.